Capture d’écran 2018-07-09 à 18.21.17.png
Capture d’écran 2018-07-09 à 18.20.34.png

Director: Laetitia Mølller

Author: Laetitia Mølller

Executive Producer: Olivier de Bannes

Broadcaster: Planet +

Release year: 2017

Running time: 52 minutes


An “Energy vampire,” a “wolf-in-lamb’s-clothing” — even “the office terrorist”...

Over the past 10 years, the pathological narcissist has forced his way into our collective consciousness. The media warns us to watch out for this charming yet destructive manipulator, not easily recognize at first… It is the new “sickness of our time,” leaving former buzzwords like “bipolar” and “hyperactive child” far in the background. This episode of Topoï attempts to explain the rhetoric around pathological narcissism and why suddenly everyone is talking about it.

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